Monday, 21 June 2010

Ptaki - Birds

Z ptakami spotykalismy sie na kazdym kroku – z wczesniej juz opisanymi flamingami i bakojadami oraz sepami, perlicami, bocianami, strusiami, dziborogami, gesiami egipskimi i wiloma innymi. Jak zwykle, to co dla nas bylo egzotycznym zwierzecem, tam bylo zwyklym ptakiem, takim jak u nas wrobel czy kruk.

We have come across the birds wherever we travelled to – previously mentioned flamingos and ox peckers along with vultures, guinea fowls, marabou storks, ostriches, ground hornbills, Egyptian gooses and many others. As usually, the ones which were exotic to us, for the people living there would be just like a sparrow or black bird to us.

Dziborog kafryjski.
Ground hornbill.

Marabou stork.

Guinea fowls.

Ges egipska.
Egyptian goose.


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