Thursday, 10 June 2010

Slonie – Elephants

Najblizej slonia udalo nam sie byc pierwszego wieczora spedzonego w lodzy Treetops. Jak widac na filmach, byl on w odleglosci zaledwie paru metrow od nas przy wodopoju.
Trzeci film przedstawia cale stado sloni, obserwowane z daleka w parku Masai Mara.

The closest to the elephant we were on the first night spent in Treetops lodge. As you can see below it was few meters away from us at the water hole. The third movie presents whole herd of elephants watched by us from the distance in Masai Mara park.

Slonie w Masai Mara.
Elephants in Masai Mara.

Lodza Treetops.
Treetops lodge.

Choc nie jest to informacja jeszcze uznawana przez wszystkich naukowcow, rozroznia sie dwa gatunki slonia afrykanskiego – slonia afrykanskiego lesnego i slonia afrykanskiego. Jedna z cech je odrozniajacych to liczba paznokci u palcow u nog – u afrykanskiego to 4 z przodu i 3 z tylu, a u lesnego to 5 z przodu i 4 z tylu!

Interesting fact:
However it is not commonly agreed fact yet, there are being recognised two different species of African Elephant – the African Bush Elephant and the African Forest Elephant. One of the differences between them is the number of toes - the African Bush Elephant normally has 4 toenails on the frontfoot and 3 on the hindfoot while the African Forest Elephant normally has 5 toenails on the frontfoot and 4 on the hindfoot!

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