Monday, 8 November 2010

Lodza w parku Jeziora Nakuru - The Lake Nakuru Lodge

Drugim z odwiedzonych przez nas parkow byl rezerwat nad jeziorem Nakuru. Lodza, w ktorej sie zatrzymalismy znajdowala sie w samym sercu parku, na wzniesieniu dajacym nam widok na prawie caly jego teren. Przez plot bez zadnych problemow przechodzily pawiany, po scianach naszych pokoi wspinaly sie gekony, a czasem i pajaki ptaszniki. I tylko plot odgradzal nas od pozostalych zyjacych tam dzikich zwierzat.

The second visited by us parks was the Lake Nakuru National Park. Lodge in which we stayed in was placed on the hill right in the middle of the park, giving us a view on the almost all of its terrain. Baboons did not have any problems with getting over the fence, geckos were climbing on the walls of our room and so were occasionally tarantulas. And it was only a fence that was separating us from the rest of wild animals living there.

Brzask w lodzy Lake Nakuru.
Break of dawn in the Lake Nakuru Lodge.

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