Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Ludzie w Kenii - People of Kenya

W Kenii zyje okolo 40 roznych plemion. Wczesniej wspomniane plemie Kikuyu tworzy najwieksza grupe etniczna w Kenii. Skolei czlonkowie plemia Masajow to jedni z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych mieszkancow tego kraju. Jednym z glownych tego powodem jest fakt, iz wciaz zyja oni w zgodzie z natura – nie poluja na dzikie zwierzeta i zajmuja sie glownie pasterstwem.

Choc w miastach, zycie wydaje sie byc w miare cywilizowane, poza ich obszarem wyglada to zupelnie inaczej. Zarowno stroje jak i sposob zycia wciaz przypomina czasy plemienne.

There are around 40 different tribes living in Kenya. Previously mentioned Kikuyu tribe is the largest single ethnic group in Kenya. However, men of the Maasai tribe are the most recognised ones. One of the main reasons for that is the fact that they are still living in harmony with nature – they do not hunt wild animals and they are commonly known as shepherds.

Although life in the cities seems to be reasonably civilised, it looks completely different outside of them. Both clothes and the way of living still remind the ones from the tribal times.

Pranie jest robione w rzekach. Washing is being done in the river.

Pasterze. Shephards.

Wioska i jej mieszkancy. A village and its citizens.

W drodze po wode. On the way to get a water.

Rynek w malej lokanej osadzie. Market in the small local town.

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