Sunday, 14 February 2010

Hipopotamy – Hippos

Tuz na obrzezach Keekorok Lodge w parku narodowym Masai Mara rezydowalo stado parudziesieciu sztuk hipopotamow. W ciagu dnia spaly one w wodzie, a noca wychodzily na lad, by pasc sie na trawie! Te potezne zwierzeta – na ladzie mniejsze tylko od slonia i nosorozca bialego – pomimo swojej masywnej budowy i krotkich nog, na niewielkich dystansach potrafia przescignac czlowieka! Co ciekawe, najblizszymi krewnymi hipopotamow sa wieloryby i morswiny. Hipopotamy sa bardzo agresywne!

Just outside Keekorok Lodge in Masai Mara national park its residence had a group of few dozens of hippopotamus. They slept in the water during the day, and were getting outside at night to graze on grass! These huge animals – on the land smaller only than elephants and white rhino - regardless their physical built and short legs can outrun human over short distances! What is interesting, their closest relatives are whales and porpoises! Hippos are very aggressive!

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