Our safari game drives were focused mostly on trying to see the rarest species of animals as we were able to see all the others without any efforts along the way :) So we got the chance to meet with the lions eye-to-eye and experience amazing moments, which we managed to record on camcorder. Here they are:
1. Lwica znajdowala sie okolo 10 metrow od nas. Jak nasz kierowca i przewodnik powiedzial, musiala byc juz najedzona i polowanie to nie bylo planowane,gdyz normalnie nie zrezygnowalaby tak latwo ze zdobyczy!
2. Te odpoczywajace cztery lwy znajdowaly sie doslownie dwa metry od nas! Nic nie robily sobie z naszej obecnosci – jak dlugo tylko znajdowalismy sie w samochodzie!
3. Podczas porannej przejazdzki natknelismy sie na tego lwa jedzacego swoja zdobycz. Musze przyznac, iz wiejacy w nasza strone wiatr niosl ze soba smrod wnetrznosci!
During the morning game drive we have come across lion eating its prey. I have to admit that wind blowing in our direction was bringing nasty smell of its open flesh!
4. Kolejne trzy filmy zostaly nagrane w tym samym miejscu i pokazuja stado okolo 20 lwow jedzacych upolowana zebre. Tylko okolo szesciu sztuk to dorosle samice, pozostale to mlode w roznym wieku. Jak widac, gdy jedne jedza, inne odpoczywaja i sie bawia.
Next three movies were recorded at the same place and they show a pride of around 20 lions eating a zebra. Only around six of them are grown up lionesses, the rest are cubs in different age. As you can see, when some of them are eating, others are resting or playing with each other.
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