Sunday, 29 November 2009

Pobyt na polkuli poludniowej, czyli jak przekroczylismy rownik! - Visit on the southern part of the globe – how and when we crossed the Equator!

Po raz pierwszy przekroczylismy linie rownika lecac do Nairobii, jednakze dopiero w drodze do Masai Mara zatrzymalismy sie dokladnie na jego linii i obejrzelismy ciekawy eksperyment.

Komentarz do filmu jest zarowno po polsku, jak i po angielsku.

First time we crossed the equator while we were flying to Nairobi. But it was not until our journey to Masai Mara when we stopped exactly on its line to witness interesting experiment.

The movie commentary is both in Polish and English.

Sunday, 22 November 2009

Gepardy – Cheetahs

Jeden tylko raz natknelismy sie na gepardy. Trzy dorosle sztuki odpoczywaly w cieniu w sporej odleglosci od nas. Te piekne wielkie koty sa pelne gracji i elegancji!

Only once we came across cheetahs. Three grown ups were resting in the shadow in a quite big distance from us. These beautiful big cats are very elegant and graceful!

Saturday, 14 November 2009

Nosorozce - Rhinos

W Kenii mozna spotkac dwa gatunki nosorca – Bialy i Czarny. Wiekszych rozmiarow Nosorozec Bialy, jest bardziej popularny i latwiej go zobaczyc. Udalo nam sie calkiem blisko podjechac do jednego z nich i musze przyznac, ze robi on ogromne wrazenie!

There are two different species of rhino in Kenya – the White one and the Black one. The bigger, more common one and easier to find is White Rhino. We managed to get to one of them at close distance and I have to say that it does made huge impression on us!

Czarny nosorozec jest gatunkiem zagrozonym i jest go trudniej zobaczyc nie tylko z tego powodu, ze jest go mniej. Unika on ludzi, gdyz to wlasnie oni przyczynili sie do spadku jego populacji. Zauwazalna roznica w zachowaniu jest rowniez agresja – choc bylismy w duzej odleglosci od niego – byl on w pelni swiadomy naszej obecnosci i zaledwie po paru minutach odjechalismy dalej, gdyz nasz przewodnik obawial sie o nasze bezpieczenstwo.

The Black Rhino is endangered species and it is harder to see him in wild not only because there is less of it. It avoids people as they are the reason why its population is in decrease. Noticeable difference in behaviour is also an aggression- regardless big distance from it – it was fully aware of our presence and we stayed literally couple of minutes watching it as our guide was concerned about our safety.

Ciekawostka : jednym z sposobow rozroznienia obydwu gatunkow nosorozcow jest ksztalt jego pyska, szczegolnie gornej wargi. Biale maja bardzo duza, plaska i szeroka gorna warge. Natomiast pysk Czarnych jest bardziej szpiczasty i mniejszy, czasem okreslany jako haczykowaty. Ta roznica w budowie jest zwiazana z roslinnoscia, ktora sie zywia. Gdy glownym zrodlem pokarmu dla tych pierwszych jest trawa, drugie wola liscie i peczki.

Interesting fact : one of the differences between the two mentioned species is the shape of their mouth, especially upper lip. White Rhino has much bigger, flat and broad upper lip. In comparison Black one’s has more narrow and pointy shape, sometimes also described as ‘hook like’. This difference comes from the type of plants they feed on. While the first one’s main food is grass, the other one prefers leaves and buds.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Lwy! - filmy - Lions! - movies

Nasze przejazdzki safari po parkach narodowych skupialy sie glownie na probach zobaczenia tych bardziej rzadkich gatunkow zwierzat, gdyz cala reszte moglismy spokojnie obejrzec po drodze :) Tak tez udalo nam sie spotkac oko w oko z lwami I doswiadczyc niesamowitych momentow, ktore udalo nam sie zarejestrowac na kamerze video. Oto i one :
Our safari game drives were focused mostly on trying to see the rarest species of animals as we were able to see all the others without any efforts along the way :) So we got the chance to meet with the lions eye-to-eye and experience amazing moments, which we managed to record on camcorder.
Here they are:

1. Lwica znajdowala sie okolo 10 metrow od nas. Jak nasz kierowca i przewodnik powiedzial, musiala byc juz najedzona i polowanie to nie bylo planowane,gdyz normalnie nie zrezygnowalaby tak latwo ze zdobyczy! Lioness was around 10 meters from us. According to our driver and guide, it must have been already fed and this hunt was not planned, as normally it would have not given up so easily on its prey!

2. Te odpoczywajace cztery lwy znajdowaly sie doslownie dwa metry od nas! Nic nie robily sobie z naszej obecnosci – jak dlugo tylko znajdowalismy sie w samochodzie!
These four resting lions were literally two meters away from us! They were completely ignoring our presence – at least as long as we were inside the car!

3. Podczas porannej przejazdzki natknelismy sie na tego lwa jedzacego swoja zdobycz. Musze przyznac, iz wiejacy w nasza strone wiatr niosl ze soba smrod wnetrznosci!

During the morning game drive we have come across lion eating its prey. I have to admit that wind blowing in our direction was bringing nasty smell of its open flesh!

4. Kolejne trzy filmy zostaly nagrane w tym samym miejscu i pokazuja stado okolo 20 lwow jedzacych upolowana zebre. Tylko okolo szesciu sztuk to dorosle samice, pozostale to mlode w roznym wieku. Jak widac, gdy jedne jedza, inne odpoczywaja i sie bawia.

Next three movies were recorded at the same place and they show a pride of around 20 lions eating a zebra. Only around six of them are grown up lionesses, the rest are cubs in different age. As you can see, when some of them are eating, others are resting or playing with each other.