Friday, 1 July 2011

Ocean Indyjski – Indian Ocean

Na zakonczenie naszego pobytu w Kenii spedzilismy trzy dni na wybrzezu Oceanu Indyjskiego. Lotem wewnetrznym dolecielismy do Mombasy – drugiego co do wielkosci miasta w Kenii – a stamtad samochodem juz dostalismy sie do hotelu nad oceanem. Pomimo tego, ze kompleks basenow w naszym hotelu uchodzi za najwiekszy we wschodniej Afryce, wstyd bylo z niego korzystac, gdyz ocean byl jakies 50 metrow dalej. Po plazy biegaly kraby, tubylcy mieli rozstawione kramy z upominkami, a woda byla tak ciepla jak z kranu. I te palmy......

The rest of our time in Kenya we spent by the Indian Ocean. Taking internal flight, we got to Mombasa – second largest city in Kenya – and from there we drove to the hotel where we were supposed to be staying. Although it is said that our hotel has the largest complex of swimming pools in eastern Africa, it did not feel right to use it since the Ocean was some 50 meters away. Plenty of crabs were running on the sand, local people had their small stalls with souvenirs set up, and water was as warm as the one from the tab. And all these palms……

Zakupy albo przejazdzka na wilebladzie. Shopping or a camel ride.

Rybacy. Fishermen.


Plaza, palmy i slonce :) The beach, palms and the sun :)